Barry Coltham & Eva Steira

Barry Coltham Eva Steira

Integration of all personality types

This presentation aligns with the conference theme of stepping forward to truly live, integrate, and apply the Enneagram principles and providing solutions on how to stay awake with a practical soul searching process that can be applied for yourself or to guide others in our everyday life. This session introduces a pragmatic and powerful new tool. The tool is called the Delta Integration Process (DIP) and is based on deep-rooted Enneagram wisdom. The content of the presentation links the Enneagram laws of One, Three and Seven (the symbol), the Levels of Functioning and the Enneagrams by Type of Essence, Holy Ideas and Virtues. Participants will learn and experience the Delta Integration Process (DIP). The session will conclude with an exercise that will give delegates useful insights into solutions to a challenge of their own choosing. Delegates will have the opportunity to gain new insights into situations, overcome blockages or misconceptions, and identify necessary resources for solutions.

Barry has been studying the Enneagram since 2003 and has attended many workshops and courses: Part I-III Training, Inner Critic, Advanced Workshops on Levels, Instinctual Variants, with the Enneagram Institute under the tutelage of Don Riso and Russ Hudson. Became a certified Enneagram practitioner and teacher in 2006. Worked as part of the team led by Don Riso on the Nine Domains, the principles of the Enneagram applied to any successful system, especially organisations and teams. Barry has been teaching Enneagram workshops and private clients in corporate South Africa since 2007. Barry has translated and co-written Eva's latest Norwegian Enneagram book "Veien Hjem" - "The Way Home" which will be published in May 2024.
Eva’s vision includes reaching out to young adults to inspire, support and challenge them to be able to create lasting and valuable change by raising awareness to achieve a greater sense of mastery and well-being. It was only when she was introduced to the Enneagram that she began to understand herself. It saved her life!. Eva was Vice President of IEA-Norge at its inception (2012). She has been studying the Enneagram since 2001: Part I-III Training, Inner Critic, Advanced Workshops on Levels, Instinctual Variants, with the Enneagram Institute under the tutelage of Don Riso and Russ Hudson. In addition workshops with Hudson: The Enneagram of the Virtues, The Liberating Power of the Enneagram, The Enneagram of the Virtues Advanced Program (the Instinctual Opening to the higher Mind Through the 3 Centers). 27 Subtypes with Beatrice Chestnut. Eva is also a Certified Erickson Coach - PCC (International Coaching Federation).