Julie Harris

Julie Harris


Keynote: the Paradox of Movement into the Beyond

The Enneagram helps us awaken to how all aspects of life emerge as part of the dynamic fabric of reality. How can you participate in this movement more fully?

As you develop presence in your body, you become more capable of engaging in what might feel beyond your current understanding and experience. You begin to crystallize the willingness to receive whatever life brings to you with more grace, joy, and gratitude.

Join Julie Harris on a journey through inhabiting space and time; sensing, feeling, and knowing in new ways; and embracing paradox -- all toward embodying a more fluid orientation that is your portal to beyond.

Julie Harris is a certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram teacher, an IEA-accredited professional, and an innovator in transmitting the gifts of the Enneagram through powerful visuals. As founder of Riverbend Coaching, Julie has used the Enneagram in individual client engagements and groupwork for nearly two decades. She excels at blending diverse streams of wisdom into unique and actionable developmental approaches that help clients move toward expansion, integration, and full self-expression.

A core part of Julie’s approach centers on working with the body to move what is stuck, focus on what is scattered, or open what seems closed. Her certifications in this area include Integrative Breathwork Facilitation at Inspiration Community, Integral Coaching with New Ventures West, and Hatha Yoga. Julie’s work incorporates the fruits of creative explorations in the natural world, pilgrimages to India and Egypt, and artistic disciplines such as writing, painting, photography, sculpture, dance, and voice.

