Andrea Isaacs

Andrea in 100 words

Andrea Isaacs, an internationally known Enneagram teacher, speaker, coach and trainer, has empowered the lives of thousands in 25 countries since 1994. The creator of EnneaMotion, Somatic Focusing and The EQ Quiz (, her neuroscience-based brain training techniques create new neural pathways that increase emotional intelligence and return you to your true nature.

Who’s the Me I Want to Be? Body Wisdom as a Guide to Your True Self - Soul Experiencing

It’s easy to be peaceful and connected to your true self when you’re meditating alone on a mountaintop. The question really is, who are you being when someone pushes your buttons? How do you react when you’re confronted with challenging people and life circumstances? Pose this question to yourself: “Who’s the me I want to be, especially when I’m challenged?” My answer guides me in living life as closely connected to my true self as consistently as possible. How do you do that? Let your body’s wisdom guide you. When challenged, learn how to respond in a way that honors and reflects your true self, honors and respects the true self of all involved, with the best possible outcome in mind. Somatic Focusing (SF) is a premiere methodology for cultivation of the true self. Based on the neuroscience of change, this experiential approach creates healthy and clean communication, trust, alignment and integrity. SF incorporates simple body movements that create a deeper and increased emotional range of options available so you can respond in a way that would have previously been inaccessible. You will find new ease with challenging people and situations, greater success, long-term happiness and living more consistently connected to your true self.
