Marion Gilbert

Marion in (roughly) 100 words

Marion Gilbert, R.P.T., has been practicing physical therapy for 40 years and is the owner of a well-established physical therapy practice and movement studio in Grass Valley, CA. She has extensive training in CranioSacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release and Trauma Resolution. She has been actively using the Enneagram professionally and personally for the past 12 years. She emphasizes understanding the role of the somatic lens of perception in facilitation of personal and spiritual transformation in the Enneagram. Her specific interest is in developing somatic experience to serve integration of three-centered awareness in relationship to contemplation and awakening. She is an Adjunct Faculty member of the Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition and a Faculty member of the Enneagram Prison Project.

Holy Ideas and its mimic - Soul Action

How do we learn to hide our essential nature from a three centered perspective? In this workshop we will explore the necessity of the descent and to say yes to the unpopular proposition to begin to turn towards what is painful with skillful means, deepening understanding and compassion for our human predicament. How do we return to our true selves and use the map of the Enneagram to aide us in this journey of self discovery and notice how we bypass who we truly were meant to be in three different ways? In this presentation we will focus on the movement around the circle, while the witnessing the movements along the lines within circle, accessing the wings and the underlying driving force of the instincts and the subtype behaviors will be mentioned and touched upon as they arise.
